Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday and Music

It is the shank of the evening for me on this beautiful sunday for I have studying, conversing, and reading to fill the rest of the night but I am mindful of my heart-felt motivation to try and keep up my blog much better than my previous attempts. I thought I would talk about a couple things that might somehow be interconnected but just follow my somewhat illogical path. If you do not know I attend Arrowhead Church here in good ole' Morristown and I play electric guitar in the worship band. I absolutely love it. It is probably the coolest way to serve and I hope I always have the opportunity to do so wherever I may be in life or location. Anyways, my good friend Jameson led today and it went really well. He's basically the man. If you know him then you undoubtably agree. We played a super awesome John Mark McMillan song called "Death in His Grave," which I'll post the video for down from here.

But what I'm really trying to get at here is expressing what music has done for me in many aspects of my life, but specifically in the church. It is so amazing and also a big responsibility (for spiritual and time commitment reasons) to be a part of a worship band. I was talking with a friend earlier about God and music. We both feel that God uses music to speak to us and sometimes draw us back to him. Whether it be lyrics, inspiration or the act of worship. Sometimes simply having the responsibility of being in a worship band. God has used this to help me recall His presence many a times. God has blessed us both with the wonderful gift of music and I say that in the most humble way possible (believe me I am the first to say I am no pro). This is a huge blessing to me and I honestly can not imagine my life without it. Music is a beautiful thing and I am humbled to use it to glorify the Kingdom of God.

Back to the John Mark McMillan song. I absolutely love this song and this video. The lyrics are simple and astonishing like all of his stuff. Seriously, if you haven't checked him out, do so right now. Seriously. Get off my blog and go to this link: John Mark McMillan Myspace. Ok, so this video of this show or whatever is amazing and I am jealous of the people in it. But anyways, enjoy and let me know what you think. Or don't. Right.

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