Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Different Direction

Hi there. So I've been struggling lately with revisiting my blog. Not simply because of writer's block or laziness but really because I have a small issue with them. I've been having this conversation with one of my friends who blogs as well as there is just a feeling that there is something wrong in principle to blog about honest, open thoughts and opinions. I'm sure we've all heard people remind us that once something is on the internet, is stamped into the history books for generations and generations to see. Probably true but maybe somewhat unreasonable or rather unlikely. Either way, I'm not fond with the idea that a future boss or peer could search my name on google and find my personal endeavors, thoughts, and opinons by stumbling across this blog. Therefore, I have come up with a solution!!! I love blogging and writing and to avoid sharing intimate details of my life and thoughts I have decided to gear this blog towards more of a music review page and opinions.

I am by no means an excellent reviewer or on the cutting edge, constantly finding new music for all to hear. But I am passionate. I love music and it means a lot to me. You may hate the music I listen to or even despise my very style and opinion. To you I say, screw off. Not really but I'm not forcing you to read this crap. So from here on out, I hope to post music reviews of new albums, old albums, or simply sharing some music I love. Music means a lot of things to me and I guess you could say I'm pretty opinionated when it comes to the stuff. Either way I hope you will find some use or some substance in what I choose to post.

Also, with my new, changing direction, I would also like to redesign my blog with a new name, style and maybe a cool logo. Any suggestions will all be taken seriously and accredited so please share. Thanks for reading. Thanks for caring. Namaste.

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