Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Last Day of Classes

I just got out of the shower after a cold nine miler. Started running again. Happy to be running but it is so cold. I love running in the summer so much better. Shirt's off, skimpy shorts and the beating sun. lol. Today was the last day of classes and I couldn't be happier about that. This semester has actually gone by pretty fast. And a lot has gone on as well. There have been many ups and downs but that's what it's all about. I have learned a lot this year about myself and in school even. I've really enjoyed all my classes except spanish. Haha. So after it's all said and done I guess I can say I'm pretty happy with how this semester went. Not much to say but I thought I would just say a few words before I get to busy while I'm "studying" for my exams. Peace out playas. Hopefully talk to ya soon!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Habla Espanol

The ground is covered in snow and I couldn't be happier with that!! Snow and December and Christmas taste so good together:) I just finished my spanish speaking final. Went well, probably missed one. If you've talked to me at all you know I've grown to despise spanish and this class. haha. But i'm gonna do my best to finish it off. It doesn't seem necessary to have to have a language in college. I can understand and heap the benefits but still doesn't seem necessary. Oh well. I mentioned a couple post ago that I am a digital media major. The reason I decided to be a digital media major is because of the progressive field of work it is in and I also get to be creative. Which means absolutely everything to me. I have a huge imagination and I love to put it to work and see what I can come up with. I'm stil learning a lot of software and programs but I absolutely love it so far. I thought I'd share something I did the other day. It didn't take long but I thought it looked nice. lol. Anyways, here it is and hope you enjoy.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Since I'm gonna try and start blogging more I thought I'd share this tonight as well. I love stumbling across cool pictures on the web or a cool piece or art. This picture here is from a photoshoot of one of my favorite bands mewithoutYou. If you haven't listened to them, check them out. They're very different but soooo good. I love the mustard seed flowers (I think that's what those are) and the sky in the backgound is awesome. So ya!! Check it out:

A snowy day.

I know I said I was gonna post more. I know no one even probably reads this. lol. I know, I know, I know. But for some reason I felt the need to post today. A lot has been going on in my life and school is winding down towards the end of the semester. I hate how professors try to cram everything they didn't teach you into one week right before the final and stress you out even more. Oh well. Well it's a beautiful day in Bristol today. It is freezing cold! The cold that makes your fingertips sting. But I love the snow. The white blanket covers the mountains and trees and it is such a serene scene. But it's days like today that I remind me. They remind me of how blessed I am that I have such an awesome God, a God who is an artist and depicts the most beautiful things in this wicked world. I have had a lot going on in my life lately. Lots of feelings and emotions and really just growing up. Growing up is hard. It sucks. Responsibility and tried attempts to succeed can by wearisome. But it makes me all the more stronger after I pull through. I have learned through a lot of this that thinking positive and surrounding myself with positive people helps me to sustain. I know I will always be alright. No matter what is thrown at me, I am extremely blessed and will be okay in the end. As i continue to struggle and learn I remember on days like these, where the snow freezes your nose and the Almighty Artist shares his beauty that I am beyond blessed. So remember to always count your blessings and reflect on what you have thus far!

Currently listenting to Lowercase Noises, Carry Us All Away

Monday, October 25, 2010

A year...

Haven't posted in an over a year! But I'm gonna do my best to add to this blog more. I enjoy writing and have opinions on things just like all of us so I'm gonna share with whoever wants to listen. I guess I could update anybody who doesn't know on what I'm up to. Let's see....I'm now a sophomore at King College, I run cross country and track there. It's a challenge but it keeps me focused. I'm a Digital Media major and love it. School is alright, making those grades but not necessarily enjoying it. haha. I work in the IT department at school which basically means I am a male secretary. Answer phone calls and take up peoples' computers, tough stuff. I still love music and wish I played a lot more but have gotten into some cool bands since I've last been on here. If you ever want some new music to listen to, tell me to give you some and I most definitely will. My girlfriend is Katherine Thompson. She is amazing and we have a lot of fun together. I miss all my great friends from high school but it's cool to see all the new paths were taking...uh that's pretty much all I can blabber about for now...

So ya, check back soon to see if I actually wrote something or not...or don't...that's cool too.