Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Last Day of Classes

I just got out of the shower after a cold nine miler. Started running again. Happy to be running but it is so cold. I love running in the summer so much better. Shirt's off, skimpy shorts and the beating sun. lol. Today was the last day of classes and I couldn't be happier about that. This semester has actually gone by pretty fast. And a lot has gone on as well. There have been many ups and downs but that's what it's all about. I have learned a lot this year about myself and in school even. I've really enjoyed all my classes except spanish. Haha. So after it's all said and done I guess I can say I'm pretty happy with how this semester went. Not much to say but I thought I would just say a few words before I get to busy while I'm "studying" for my exams. Peace out playas. Hopefully talk to ya soon!!!

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