Sunday, December 5, 2010

A snowy day.

I know I said I was gonna post more. I know no one even probably reads this. lol. I know, I know, I know. But for some reason I felt the need to post today. A lot has been going on in my life and school is winding down towards the end of the semester. I hate how professors try to cram everything they didn't teach you into one week right before the final and stress you out even more. Oh well. Well it's a beautiful day in Bristol today. It is freezing cold! The cold that makes your fingertips sting. But I love the snow. The white blanket covers the mountains and trees and it is such a serene scene. But it's days like today that I remind me. They remind me of how blessed I am that I have such an awesome God, a God who is an artist and depicts the most beautiful things in this wicked world. I have had a lot going on in my life lately. Lots of feelings and emotions and really just growing up. Growing up is hard. It sucks. Responsibility and tried attempts to succeed can by wearisome. But it makes me all the more stronger after I pull through. I have learned through a lot of this that thinking positive and surrounding myself with positive people helps me to sustain. I know I will always be alright. No matter what is thrown at me, I am extremely blessed and will be okay in the end. As i continue to struggle and learn I remember on days like these, where the snow freezes your nose and the Almighty Artist shares his beauty that I am beyond blessed. So remember to always count your blessings and reflect on what you have thus far!

Currently listenting to Lowercase Noises, Carry Us All Away

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