Thursday, September 24, 2009

Defining Yourself

So I've finished all my homework for tonight and I'm am relaxing in my dorm, listening to one of my favorite bands called Sleeping At Last. But as I'm listening I keep thinking about a conversation I sometimes have with myself. And it seems to be kinda often. Sometimes I just wonder about people and what it means to define ourselves. I guess what I wonder is sort of like what are we trying to be. What is I that I really am trying to be. I think that people try so very hard to define themselves as what they want to be, not what they truly are. They try so hard to be something that maybe they aren't really about. We are trying to fit in some mold, whatever it may be, and we aren't being true to ourselves. I am guilty as anyone else but I really want to just be my complete self. Whether anyone thinks it is cool or not. I don't wanna ever feel like I have to fit in or I can't say what I truly feel. I like to imagine a world where everyone is true to themselves and is absolutely themselves. No fakeness or acting. Just simply real people with real words, real ideas, real thoughts and a real personality. This would be a world with real feelings and a real love I believe. When you can truly love someone for who they honestly are is an absolute beautiful thing. I find the strongest relationships in my life to be with the people I have real feelings for and a real care for. Because I know who they are and I know their heart. Because they are real and don't try to be something they're not. Wouldn't it be a majestic place if we could all be like this with each other?? Everyone being true to themselves and everyone else.

This is just a random thought I have from time to time. I still search to define myself daily and I do want to be true to myself. So maybe I'm rambling or just having a weird conversation I have with myself oh so many times. haha. But this is what I would like to see. A real world with real people.

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