
611 is a blog about music and conversation. It is aimed do create a community where good music can be heard, shared and explored. I don't want to be some pretentious critic who where share my marvelous opinion and review of the latest record. I want to share bands I love and have you share some with me.

It is called 611 because this is the current address number of the house I live in with 4 other dudes, who I consider my best bro's. At this house I have shared good and bad moments, conversations, discoveries and arguments. And this is what I hope this blog to be. A similar place in the sense that we too can have good and bad moments, conversations, discoveries and arguments.

IMPT: This blog, for the time being at least, is going to be a hybrid, combo of sorts. I've had this blog for a few years now but have been pretty bad at posting and keeping it up to date. It is now gonna be updated for my own personal satisfaction as well as for two classes I'm currently taking. So don't be confused by random posting of assignments(for example: Scripts tab) or maybe something that seems to pertain to nothing I've ever mentioned or talked about before. I apologize ahead of time.

Either way I hope you enjoy reading and commenting!